High-Performance Earthquake Engineering

Fuji Engineering specializes in High-Performance Earthquake Engineering Solutions that reduce lifecycle costs and produces a positive net impact on a structure’s operation.
Our company's innovative (energy-absorbing) high-performance earthquake engineering solutions make significant differences for existing and new structures.
We provide added value to our customers with our High Performance Earthquake Engineering solutions that include innovative (energy absorbing) technologies.

  • Considering customer needs, we propose alternative solutions either in earthquake-resilient new building design or in reinforcement of existing structures.
  • We do not just depend on conventional methods.
  • Thanks to our unique experience in design and application of innovative technologies, we develop solutions that do not cause business interruption in the processes of our customers.
  • We prepare special feasibility studies for our customers and help them select their business plan including the most appropriate technologies.
Our high-performance earthquake engineering solutions provide a sustainable life cycle for newly designed and existing structures and ensure the overall management of risks.

You can access various High-Performance Earthquake Engineering solutions from our group company link below.